| Last | First | title | company | phone | zip | city | st |
| Burke | Jenny | office@spotkidstherapy.com | 858-459-7768 | 92037 | La Jolla | CA |
| Burnett | Susan | Special | California | Susan@cseag.com | 7149850922 | 92886 | YORBA LINDA | CA |
| Chauham | Aarti | aartimentor@gmail.com | 949-278-1822 | 92618 | Irvine | CA |
| Cintron | Marianne | Dr.,, Author, | Step by Step, | mpcintron@gmail.com | 6266649692 | 91741 | Glendora | CA |
| Cohen | Megan | megan@ljlearningworks.com | 858-456-4569 | 92037 | La Jolla | CA |
| Cull | Barbara | bgcull@hotmail.com | 90008 | Los Angeles | CA |
| Cureton | Barbara | dr_barbara@sbcglobal.net | 858-361-1367 | 92037 | La Jolla | CA |
| Dapello | Cynthia | Dyslexia | Could It Be | Cynthia@CouldItBeDyslexia.com | (909) 214-4697 | 91784 | Upland | CA |
| Davaei | Nick | ndavaei@aol.com | 714-417-9955 | 92618 | Irvine | CA |
| Davis-Perkins | Dr. Maria | Founder | 3D | CustomerService@3DEducationalSoluti | (951)603-0955 | 92883 | Corona | CA |
| Del'Homme | Melissa | Psychologist | UCLA | mdelhomme@mednet.ucla.edu | 3102065590 | 90095 |
| Dubin | Deidre | dubinlearningcenter@verizon.net | 805-962-7122 | 93102 | Santa Barbara | CA |
| Dufault | Paula | pduf4@cox.net | 949-842-3523 | 92692 | MISSION VIEJO | CA |
| Duncan | Aisha | Educational | The | TTEI.org@gmail.com | (909)224-4152 | 91769 | Pomona | CA |
| DUTTON | Cidney | Educational | educational- | cidney@educational-therapy.net | (310) 351-5648 | 90068 | Los Angeles | CA |
| Eadie | Jenmarie | Therapist | Jenmarie | info@jenmarie-counseling.com | 9092322935 | 91711 | Claremont | CA |
| Eisenberg | Paul | pauleisenberg123@yahoo.com | 714-235-3319 | 92688 | Rancho Santa | CA |
| Ellard | Pamela | ellard.pamela@gmail.com | 951-674-2974 | 92530 | Lake Elsinore | CA |
| Ferjo | Nita | nferjo@yahoo.com | 310-208-3972 | 91302 | Los Angeles | CA |
| Freund | Nan | Board | Educational | nan.freund.bcet@gmail.com | (773)991-0009 | 91711 | Claremont | CA |
| Friedman | Mariam | Educational | Mariam D. | mariamdfriedman@gmail.com | 3103639776 | 90066 |
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