| Treatment Providers by Zip | Zip-222003 |
| zip | Last | First | profession | company | phone | title | city | st |
| 0 |
| Online Tutoring | Dyslexia | Online Dyslexia Tutoring | Dyslexia Connect | pleaseusecontactform@www.dysle | (262)317-9114 | Dyslexia Connect | Online | Online |
| Online Tutoring | Online Tutoring |
| 19010 |
| Weiner | Esq. | Principal Attorney - | charles@charlesweinerlaw.com | 267-685-6311 | Bensalem | PA |
| does high stacks |
| 36527 |
| Beckmann | Katherine | Katherine D. | katherinedbeckmann@gmail.com | (504)952-9243 | Dyslexia | Daphne | AL |
| Beckmann | Specialist |
| 90008 |
| Cull | Barbara | Advocate, Educational | bgcull@hotmail.com | Los Angeles | CA |
| Therapist, Educational |
| 90064 |
| Bley | Chris | Education | Private Practice | chrisbleyzalau@gmail.com | (310)804-5559 | Teacher/Tutor | Los Angeles | CA |
| Bley | Nancy | Special Education | Private Practice, | nancy/bley@gmail.com | (310)753-5065 | Special | Los Angeles | CA |
| Hayulin an | Education |
| 90066 |
| Friedman | Mariam | "Educational Therapist | Mariam D. | mariamdfriedman@gmail.com | 3103639776 | Educational |
| in-training, LD support, | Friedman, M. Ed. | Specialist |
| 90068 |
| DUTTON | Cidney | Educational Therapist | educational- | cidney@educational-therapy.net | (310) 351- | Educational | Los Angeles | CA |
| therapy.net | Therapist |
| 90095 |
| Del'Homme | Melissa | Assessment of ADHD | UCLA Outpatient | mdelhomme@mednet.ucla.edu | 3102065590 | Psychologist |
| and Learning Disabilities | Services |
| 90402 |
| Ross | Hannah | educational therapist, | Hannah Ross Ed | hannahross.edtherapy@gmail.com | (503)330-1075 | Educational | Santa Monica | CA |
| dyslexia tutor | Therapy Group | Therapist |
| 90404 |
| Von Stetina | Marybeth | Educational Therapy | Von Stetina Ed | vonstetinaedtherapy@gmail.com | (610)905-1936 | Educational | Santa Monica | CA |
| Therapy LLC | Therapist |
| 90607 |
| McIntosh | Andrew | Neurologist | drandrew@mcintoshneurology.com | 949-249-3780 | Laguna Niguel | CA |
| 90804 |
| Wednesday, June 12, 2024 | Page 1 of 7 |